Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Plate tectonics project

Critical thinking question
  Plate tectonics is the theory than found out by Alfred Wegener, he say than all the Continental is together in one, and call it Pangaea. There is three evidence can prove it. They are fossil, puzzle and mantle.    
  If we look at the world map, we can see seven Continent is like piece of puzzle. If we try to put it together, it will be work and we can see some Continent is match with other Continent, they both have same natural resource and geography.
  Geographer found out many fossil in the world. The important thing is the found out same fossil in different continent. It means that those fossil are live in same place and prove that Alfred Wegener theory is true.
  The last reason is mantle. Mantle is in under the crust, mantle risk when it reach the outer cone, because it is hot so it risk up. When it reach to the top it will fall down because the crust is cold. So mantle is like a wheel than makes crust to move, it explain why the continent is moving.
   I agree what Alfred Wegener’s theory. Because it prove by those three evidence and it explain why geographer found out fossil in different continent.
  I enjoy the most in this project is we can chose the stage, because we can chose the one we like to do. The most challenging part is that we must quiz on it, because we need to expert on it. The new skill I learn in this project is work together is easy than work by one. I can improve my by take more time to do in home because it is not enough time in class. I will like to change the quiz because it take a lot of time.

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