Sunday, October 28, 2012

Crystals & Minerals


In the Crystal Growth Lab, we learned how mineral become crystals. We learned how minerals evaporating and crystallized. We also learned the properites of the mineral, like cleavage and fracture
2.mineral properties
Metallic luster: the mineral looks like metal.

Non-metallic luster: the mineral not looks like metal.  

Color: what the rock is likes like.

Streak: a color form mineral powdered.

Hardness: how hard the mineral is.

Cleavage: a mineral that breaks evenly.

Fracture: a mineral that breaks not evenly.

Composition: what the rock is contain.

3.Mineral identification

BIoitte mica
Color: black to dark brown
Nonmetallic luster: Not looks like metal.
Fracture: breaks unevenly
Hardness: 2.5-3
Steak: white
Composition: Basic fluoro potassium, magnesium, iron aluminum silicate

Color:Colorless or variable
Nonmetallic luster: Not looks like metal.
Cleavage: breaks evenly
Hardness: 7
Steak: white


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